With the end of Cold War came the unfortunate marginalization of theory that gave us a glimpse to what nation state really is. The implosion of constructivism as a paradigm right after this event, followed the accusation on realism for not predicting, but focusing on the prescriptive aspect to international relations. It is a big blow to students of realism. But nation state would be what it is, regardless of norms and structures that they develop. History has never misread what nation states does for living-survival. With all the talk of modernity, the recent pandemic proves history can be repeated, instinct for survival when it kicks in, it is survival of the fittest baby. Norms and institutions take the back sit, just like much of realism were made to, when constructivism carries the day in extrapolating how institution modifies states. Many new students of politics became migrants, assimilating much of the teachings of constructivist, being the savior of what political studies should be. Power politics still persist.
Less focus was given to what nation state really is, there was even talk that nation states would die a natural death. The logic reads that, non state actors would play a more active role in traditional functions of state, international organizations would represent the fora for commonality of behaviors. This was the ideal scientific man coined by Hans Morgenthau, the norm abiding gobblish that misread interest. Actually, norm entrepreneurship in current condition means States are never short of ‘up to something,’ tendency. States thinks scientifically of course but acts in real time. Great power competition aside, this new pandemic occurred at a very bad time, subduing cooperation, highlighting competition that breeds anarchy.
Universality of belief in norm eschews individuality and attendant anarchy in pursuit of general interest, this is idealistic utopianism.
Wendt thinking revolves on the idea that changing the social construction of anarchy, can thereby obviate the worry that our neighbors will become our bedding partner. Lovers do kill remember. This is a world in which good agent thinks for everyone’s need since they know what is best to everyone, but these agents faces messy internal interests. This situation warrants the question, can there be fair judge and prosecutor occupying the same sit? Haven’t we been there before? Bear in mind “anarchy is what states makes of it. States are more than the scientific man, reality check. They don’t observe ordinances when their interest are at stake, they rather work around them and where if possible make it work for them. From individual states within European Union response to Italy in need, to Turkey and China directing companies to stop export. These are states hoarding pandemic essential at a time of crisis for national interest. It is sorrow go round, we see this both in big, small states, modern, backward states. While on this, much of realism went on hiatus as I stated earlier. But the outcome of current world affair points us back to where we are in today’s world.
State never really died, they were hibernating, waiting for the winter chill to pass by. States during the coronavirus pandemic have proven that, “old soldier never dies.” Basic facts about realism taken for granted. These are the silent characteristics exhibited by states when cooperation demands eschewing interest for common good. The nation state of Westphalia imagined, resurfaces, reestablishes and even waxed stronger. States act in accordance to perceived interest as a given right. The core insight, phrased by Hans Morgenthau, is that “we must see the world as it is, rather than as we want it to be” this is also true about nation state. That some states in modern times were being characterized as acting like mafias or modern day pirates is testament to reality. Where is the norms and structure meant to guide against life against the jungle? Anarchy is part of states construction, we cannot pretend that all is good that ends badly. From deployment of the military personal on the streets in peacetime against unimaginably foe, to use of war time imagery, words and action to achieve a common message, am back again in control. The virus is nation state framing of war image to maintain sovereignty from invading enemy. Hmmm! The only mental explanation while the pandemic runs amok. Does the state ever accept failure? This is why accountability is required after all said and done.
In conclusion, the return of classical realism shall be relief, its points us to states action and possible reaction. The basic fact of life is if we fail to understand the state, we may forever be shocked when similar event is repeated. The Westphalian architecture of Hobbesian state means, realism would never dies.
By Celestine Chidi
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