Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Forget! is all what they say to us.

They wanted us to forget that this ever happened. But how could we, when no one is held to account. We know there was war and many sides,lies led to it, still the issues remain unattended, to be grasped. While the bomb rained down on our innocents, even the younger ones were not spared of those evil deed. May their souls rest while justice we seek. My people live with those indelible, scared from inside out, anger lives right inside, yet each acts as though it is water underneath the bridge. We live on, It lives on. Deep within it bubbling on, like a ticking time bomb it awaits to explode. We can no longer ignore our past for we were made from it forced to accept, ‘no victor, no vanquish.’ Just because the bygone days should remain in the yester-years, those unexpected would someday unravel right before us. For the many souls-millions of uncounted souls,lost and forgotten, our ancestors ask that the living stay sharply attentive.

50years after Nigerian/Biafran War, many issues remain unresolved.

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