There has been a huge interest on the statement made by the President of USA with respect to the four black Democratic Congresswomen. With no special interest in the racially connotative utterance of the said statement, I would rather concern myself with the phrase ‘go back’ as a subject of this discussion.
Rather than take offense with the entire statement, I prefer to stay within the two words and within which my stated discussion would ventilate my explanation. With this said, I find nothing wrong with the very phrase ‘go back,’ simply because it is as an organic word speculated on two words ‘origin or root.’ We all stake or claim to an origin or another-identity. That’s why we could identify with African Americans when the first person of color won and took office as the President. The same can be said of those who share his maternal home, schoolmates or those with whom in one way or another can identify or share in the said victory. They too can like anyone else stake a claim or ownership to his person based on any form that adequately answers to such. Taken from this point of view, we then can understand when someone says ‘go back,’ not as an offensive statement within the contest of whatever is said. After all, they might be pointing us to some relative past which we may have forgotten-connectivity or affinity, which resonates with us good or bad. The four individuals in question can identify with whom ever their ancestors were which at the end returns them back to place of origin.
These four individuals even though stake a claim to USA as their state/nation, can still look back to their various roots, origin using the political position attained to change situations. Having said this, their position could best be served elsewhere other than where they currently work, this I say giving the general outcome of Obama administration which did little to nothing to advance interest of people of color from place of origin in the global world politics.
From history we very much can deduce instances where without the word being uttered, has resulted in various positive outcomes. It has helped maintain transnational understanding of certain race and culture-this can be described as building from the outside. The white settlers from Europe to many parts of the world though they lay claim to those countries never forgot their common affinity to ancestral homes-from Canada to Australia to name a few. From Britain to other colonialist, they still share common purpose regardless of the terms or names they chose to call it-strategic partners, special relationships.
In modern times, we can point to groups like Israel lobby group an organization that pushing for Jewish interest -The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Another that comes to mind is the South African lobby group AFRIFORUM, they share one thing in common fighting for their group interest. They remain the mouthpiece of one policy or programs aimed at achieving the overall interest of their group or groups, the same approach can be adopted by representatives of minorities in the USA body politics.
The black nations struggles to understand the world and the politics that informs it. We easily get emotional trapped, segregated or abandoned. Rather than playing by political rule book of naivety dictated by an organized, coherent structure that keeps us fractured, disorganized and decimated, we need to relearn what we already know even though we have outstripped. The same can be said of other minorities groups struggling to make sense or find a voice within the superstructure and of whom by own doing remain discombobulated by lack of right political rhythm.
This idea of going back’ rather than being conceived as derogatory should be a wake up call for action requiring synergies in other to confront the unbalanced world politics. Instead of feeling so discomforted, convoluted to the past ways, we should rather see oneness, utilize our voice to air our views with strong organizational or structured view point by lobbying to improve situations in our various places of origin. Working together to advocate accountability within the various developing countries which are the targets of the ‘shithole’ derogatory statement rather than being ‘axis’ through which these wrong are perpetuated.
The continent has been victim to various forms of inhuman acts of men in the form of corporate corruption where big companies avoid taxes, engage in kickbacks, pollute our environments. You guys know all these, resources wars are raging as we get pitted against each other, use your voices rightfully, make use of your position to pursue projects that benefit the continent to build in peace. By the end of your term, looking back your achievement would resonate not just within America but within the continent where you stake your ancestral home originates. When someone so uses those words, ‘go back,’ you can be proud of the statement, leaving the emotional burden behind. The continents remains at the center of rob and rot from within and outside, there is need for fearsome representatives.
‘Go back,’ should be a motivation for real action towards getting better results.There are many nationalities in America, the Asian American for instance, may identify with this differently. They may have carved a niche in what it means to be an American far better than other nationalities. From the Chinese, Japanese to name a few, none continues to struggle so hard in comparison to the descendants of American slaves and the Latinos. Why? The answer is not simple but requires we do things differently, look beyond America, establish strong linkages that survives past any given ideology. We need to suppress our emotions because it play into the victimhood mentality for which we are ascribed to as aid-filled underdeveloped nations.
As an African, am tired of being apologetic to the mistakes of our past and failures to take opportunity/advantage, remaining self defeating. We can claim our place in history not by being exotically too wishful or sympathetic seekers. We need to curb our emotive tendencies and face realpolitik rather than victimhood politics built on divided and ruled. These were the same politics that has led us to nowhere, kept us down because we remain tools in the hands of our detractors.
The go back’ should become a new found love song that reminds us that, we have a place in this world. To secure such place we don’t have to throw in towels, we don’t need to complain,because when we do, we lose focus. What we simply needs do is fight and get the result, occupy “The” position and others would take us serious. So henceforth, keep the emotional baggage somewhere far away, then quietly, articulately and strategically find our rightful place in the world for ‘We are no bagger-nations.’
Finally, let’s keep this question close always, what leverage do we have over and above our oppressors? Currently, it is ‘absolutely nothing.’ The very reason we need to act now and make it known that our resolve is none negotiable.
Celestine Chidi
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