Monday, July 29, 2019

Africa: Raining Youths, Overflown with Grannies

One of the most important issue not been political attended to, is the rising African underutilized growing youthful population. According to UNDP Africa, by the year ‘2055, the age bracket of 15-24 is expected to be “more than double”2015 total of 226million population.’


Graphics of the report 

The emphasis on ‘more than double’ is an indication that Africa is already blessed with youthful age which is supposed to be a reflection of growth. Unfortunately, this is not so because, the continent is marred with unemployment, underdevelopment arising from bad governance, mismanagement, conflicts and wars.

To make the matter worse, the youths are hardly involved in the decision making process of the various government and agencies within the states in the continent. It would have been a common practice that, youths are to inform decisions that directly affect their lives. But this is hardly so because, older generation saturates the length and breadth of all institutions of the states rendering any possibility of great innovation. With an exception of few states.

Youths and Resultant Benefits to the Continent

Of the avowed importance of youths, are their risk tendency and goal getting temerity. The combination of this two above gives room for innovation. The youthful population of Africa is underutilized and this poses huge problem and an explosive outcome for the future. There is growing number of youths involved in crime -militancy and other high crimes, this arose out of contingency rather than necessity giving their inactivity and meaningful engagement. The migration and youth drain in the continent should be a matter of concern to anyone in the position of authority. The majority of these, take the odious journey and died in the Mediterranean Sea. The reason for these among many others, arises from the fact that they are sincerely fighting to make a living, become meaningful, play a part but for lack of, have to risk it all to where they can be utilized. As such, to many risk can be equated with and by betting their lives in search of greener pastures. 

Imagine what it would have been, had there been opportunities created for them in all sectors not limited to the economic sphere alone but also, in the decision making process. 

Many of the youths, see their currently status in the continent as just ‘takers’ rather than ‘makers’ of their lives and destiny. The statistics of the 55 states within the continent body-African Union, it is not surprising that only a fraction of these states can be said to be seriously addressing the issue. This is not enough, there is a needs for deliberate action that encourages the process and should be factored into government policy by not ignoring this ticking time bomb that would inflict future difficulties. 

It is time for action directed and geared towards addressing this situation with greater emphasis on enforced implementing of youth participation in various aspects of all nation building. The current effort does little towards achieving the goal set out in SDG. The fact that, majority of the continents youthful percentage population are locked out on vital processes that shape their lives, destiny and future of Africa is a call for concern. Africa can gain more through meaningful participation of these set age bracket which can be considered ‘Fountain’ age. They represent a prosperous future likened to the ‘Silicon valley’ for the continent and her people than the current state of affairs ‘Ice age’ that sets the continent backwards which is a reflection of failed politics and policies of the past. 

Celestine Chidi

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The architect, the player and the deal maker: Love Triangle of matchmaking.

In analyzing the current relationship between South Korea, North Korea and America, one can draw the following probable variables: (>1 or <1) as possible outcome. Greater, implying that something is achievable whilst less than indicates that nothing gets achieved in current diplomatic effort. This could give rise to or result in a zero sum or win win outcome as far as the politics of Korean Peninsula is concerned. 

The Sunshine policy which was scuttled during the second Bush administration points to lack of continuity, thus sending different message in different times to international communities and has come full circle in USA politics today. This leaves many partners, allies and foes as to what America wants. Had there been a continuity in policy that sends clear message for example to the North, maybe, the current situation wouldn’t arise bearing in mind that back then, the north had no weapon yet.

The today’s situation have given rise to an Architect, A Player and A Deal Maker which emerged after fire and fury, little rocket man description. 

Interest of all Three

When one looks at the current political  juggling between the three States concerned-South Korea, North Korea and America, each party is pushing hard to achieve their individual goal. At the moment, though not many would admit this, the north have the upper hand or momentum even though they are heavily sanctioned. Why do I say this, first they have the nuclear weapon. The sanctions apart, we all know that the Northern regime have survived at the expense of her citizens who are hardly surviving. To this end, the regime of Kim would consider having achieved the most unthinkable-possession of nuclear warhead, in the mist of threat and difficulties and so have won the first battle.

The Moon policy of which is not so different from the Sunshine policy of the past, should not be toppled by policy inconsistencies of partners especially America. The current South Korean leadership have staked a lot to get to this moment. One could see resumption in belligerence on the part of the North after many failed promises that the southern neighbor-economic cooperation have failed to materialize. Heavy reliance on stick at the expense of carrot was partly the reason for past policy failure and such giving rise to current Northern behavior. This identified reason can be managed through close coordinated communication. It is important to carry all parties along even in the face of desperation for quick result. 

The effort by Trump to be the first sitting America President to cross the demilitarized zone is worthy of note. Yet it can be marred by inconsistency giving the many messages that are being sent out, at one moment their is exchange of love letters and the next moment statements made openly are not followed. For instance the joint agreement on reduced military activities in the region aimed at supporting diplomacy should be allowed to maintain. After all, the North have not according to Trump conducted or tested any nuclear weapons or launched any ballistic weapons. The need not to give the North reason to resort to bellicose behavior is important given their past actions.

It is worth noting that in politics nothing is absolute until the unexpected happens. 

The regime of Kim as ‘The Player’ would not start a war in the Peninsula because they know that would be suicidal. The Moon regime as ‘The Architect’ needs peace with the Northern neighbor so achieved development would not go up in flames by war. President Trump as ‘The Deal Maker’ wants result to show that his three time engagement and border crossing into North Korea were not in vain. All three men are in pursuit of one thing ‘Result’ the question is, who amongst them can make the best of their love nest. National interest in the middle, the architect, player and deal marker are caught up is a love triangle that is still taking shape, would they ‘fall in’ or ‘fail out’ is the big question.

Finally, it is important to support any effort made towards achieving denuclearization even if as it stands now the North has held back in furtherance of nuclear test or ballistic launches. 

Celestine Chidi

Friday, July 26, 2019

Good bye to digital freedom after hackers: Return to Westphalian days?

Have we shot ourselves on the foot with globalization? This should be the talking point of all who values the benefits ushered in by the likes of Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, Amazon and the rest. There is no better place to access the benefit of globalization and its impact rather than in areas of digital communication technology. It has over the years marveled many and continues to influence lives in many ways or another-good or bad. Recently, not long after 9/11, the decoupling of digital communication benefits has left many asking, is it worth the hype and backlash? This has resulted to many states rolling back the red carpet. 

The war on terror and other related crackdown by government does poses one big question; how long shall we continue to enjoy the benefits of globalization with regards to digital freedom? Doesn’t it infringe on the freedom that individuals are meant to have? The digital space era once considered the greatest in human innovation has today become an area where increased government activity are so much felt. It’s status is considered as the provable ‘Trojan horse.’ It is held by some States with great disdain, to others with suspicion-State actors weaponized domain to undermine one another. To States, it poses unimaginable threat to sovereignty as various government would want us to believe. It is true, but aren’t we moving too fast, the end result is that, it is impeding on the rights of citizens to freedom of speech. 

The fact that the space has become explosive domains for both good and bad guys should not take away privacy which is sacrosanct to freedom itself. Just as the FBI director pointed out ‘Just as technology has become a force multiplier for the good guys, it has become a force multiplier for all sorts of bad guys – for terrorists, hackers, child predators, and more.’

The fight to control this space may well be justified given constant challenges posed by the enumerated societal ills within States not excluding the use of ransomware that could disable critical infrastructure to those of act of terror. It is important that every State act should be done within the limits of the law. It is well known that when States crawls are held to de-tangled is hard because every inch they occupy are never easily given back-limitless control of Westphalian style. The knowledge that some alien are snooping on us be it government or some weird fellow should make our skin rise in protest. The abuse of digital technology as a means of censorship or monitoring of citizens undermines all freedom most especially the kind herein discussed.

As the territory of states becomes much hard to distinguish, given the high infiltration of what government would call rogue element in ‘User-controlled default encryption’ which is said to be a real challenge for law enforcement. Notwithstanding, the line between government over reaction and inaction could blurs the line of common sense and by encroaching on this rights or free space becomes unattainable to freedom. The precedence set is problematic because autocratic regimes uses these excuse as opportunity to act with impunity on their citizens, as has been the case in recent days around the world. We have seen increased government activity in snooping on individuals with the view of arresting supposed threats but such threat to state continues unabated. This means some states are either using it to maintain their grip on power against the wishes of the people by targeting the opposition. The problem is that of blurring the lines of decency between ‘Privacy and security.’ The resultant effect are that fears are generated, policies are derived through emotional which gives room for complacency. 

The debate between ‘Privacy and security’ should be an on going discussion not subjectively driven. It requires an in-depth study that helps identifies cause as well as effect of today’s policies on our future freedom. 

Finally, a critical study should drive current problematic given the way various governments have gone about solely devising and enacting laws that suits them which is subject to abuse. The bad actors identified could use these flaws in the laws to advance their mode of operations keeping government caged-in to perpetual evil. This provides room to compromises the good citizens in between the fight for digital freedom-in government verses the bad crazy masked men or women in an unknown corner of the globe. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The ‘Go Back’ that I believe in

There has been a huge interest on the statement made by the President of USA with respect to the four black Democratic Congresswomen. With no special interest in the racially connotative utterance of the said statement, I would rather concern myself with the phrase ‘go back’ as a subject of this discussion.

Rather than take offense with the entire statement, I prefer to stay within the two words and within which my stated discussion would ventilate my explanation. With this said, I find nothing wrong with the very phrase ‘go back,’ simply because it is as an organic word speculated on two words ‘origin or root.’ We all stake or claim to an origin or another-identity. That’s why we could identify with African Americans when the first person of color won and took office as the President. The same can be said of those who share his maternal home, schoolmates or those with whom in one way or another can identify or share in the said victory. They too can like anyone else stake a claim or ownership to his person based on any form that adequately answers to such. Taken from this point of view, we then can understand when someone says ‘go back,’ not as an offensive statement within the contest of whatever is said. After all, they might be pointing us to some relative past which we may have forgotten-connectivity or affinity, which resonates with us good or bad. The four individuals in question can identify with whom ever their ancestors were which at the end returns them back to place of origin. 

These four individuals even though stake a claim to USA as their state/nation, can still look back to their various roots, origin using the political position attained to change situations. Having said this, their position could best be served elsewhere other than where they currently work, this I say giving the general outcome of Obama administration which did little to nothing to advance interest of people of color from place of origin in the global world politics. 

From history we very much can deduce instances where without the word being uttered, has resulted in various positive outcomes. It has helped maintain transnational understanding of certain race and culture-this can be described as building from the outside. The white settlers from Europe to many parts of the world though they lay claim to those countries never forgot their common affinity to ancestral homes-from Canada to Australia to name a few. From Britain to other colonialist, they still share common purpose regardless of the terms or names they chose to call it-strategic partners, special relationships.

In modern times, we can point to groups like Israel lobby group an organization that pushing for Jewish interest -The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Another that comes to mind is the South African lobby group AFRIFORUM, they share one thing in common fighting for their group interest. They remain the mouthpiece of one policy or programs aimed at achieving the overall interest of their group or groups, the same approach can be adopted by representatives of minorities in the USA body politics.

The black nations struggles to understand the world and the politics that informs it. We easily get emotional trapped, segregated or abandoned. Rather than playing by political rule book of naivety dictated by an organized, coherent structure that keeps us fractured, disorganized and decimated, we need to relearn what we already know even though we have outstripped. The same can be said of other minorities groups struggling to make sense or find a voice within the superstructure and of whom by own doing remain discombobulated by lack of right political rhythm.

This idea of going back’ rather than being conceived as derogatory should be a wake up call for action requiring synergies in other to confront the unbalanced world politics. Instead of feeling so discomforted, convoluted to the past ways, we should rather see oneness, utilize our voice to air our views with strong organizational or structured view point by lobbying to improve situations in our various places of origin. Working together to advocate accountability within the various developing countries which are the targets of the ‘shithole’ derogatory statement rather than being ‘axis’ through which these wrong are perpetuated. 

The continent has been victim to various forms of inhuman acts of men in the form of corporate corruption where big companies avoid taxes, engage in kickbacks, pollute our environments. You guys know all these, resources wars are raging as we get pitted against each other, use your voices rightfully, make use of your position to pursue projects that benefit the continent to build in peace. By the end of your term, looking back your achievement would resonate not just within America but within the continent where you stake your ancestral home originates. When someone so uses those words, ‘go back,’ you can be proud of the statement, leaving the emotional burden behind. The continents remains at the center of rob and rot from within and outside, there is need for fearsome representatives. 

‘Go back,’ should be a motivation for real action towards getting better results.There are many nationalities in America, the Asian American for instance, may identify with this differently. They may have carved a niche in what it means to be an American far better than other nationalities. From the Chinese, Japanese to name a few, none continues to struggle so hard in comparison to the descendants of American slaves and the Latinos. Why? The answer is not simple but requires we do things differently, look beyond America, establish strong linkages that survives past any given ideology. We need to suppress our emotions because it play into the victimhood mentality for which we are ascribed to as aid-filled underdeveloped nations.

As an African, am tired of being apologetic to the mistakes of our past and failures to take opportunity/advantage, remaining self defeating. We can claim our place in history not by being exotically too wishful or sympathetic seekers. We need to curb our emotive tendencies and face realpolitik rather than victimhood politics built on divided and ruled. These were the same politics that has led us to nowhere, kept us down because we remain tools in the hands of our detractors. 

The go back’ should become a new found love song that reminds us that, we have a place in this world. To secure such place we don’t have to throw in towels, we don’t need to complain,because when we do, we lose focus. What we simply needs do is fight and get the result, occupy “The” position and others would take us serious. So henceforth, keep the emotional baggage somewhere far away, then quietly, articulately and strategically find our rightful place in the world for ‘We are no bagger-nations.’

Finally, let’s keep this question close always, what leverage do we have over and above our oppressors? Currently, it is ‘absolutely nothing.’ The very reason we need to act now and make it known that our resolve is none negotiable. 

Celestine Chidi

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Different Tribes: One Humanity

Life is one and just the same 
held by thin air that we breathe 
doesn’t hold where we all came
since God exist in different names.
His act of creation made us all
by this rainbow we are just one.
Beauty and the beast can coexist 
our love darkens when compared.
Bright of whites are without shade
for beauty comes in different makes.
Tribes like trees share night and day
one single tree can’t make a forest,
it grow old, withers in theatre of death;

our type must bond, build and grow.