Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Letter to African Leaders


In this desperately charged political environment, where everyone and everything is on a #charmoffensive-new scramble for Africa,through wealth disbursements as grants, please sit back and enjoy everything thrown to you. Do not hesitate to collect from whoever and wherever that might be and  #goodtiming to hand money back to you after all it is time #payingbackthemoney, but be wise; any #conditionattached, produce the “all-too-familiar gesture without the other four fingers showing.” Such act according to a court ruling has been identified as a “form of free speech,” backed by good reason and for Africa, such good reason include; bringing back #austerity with stolen African wealth. Austerity of the past did lots of damages with its harsh conditions attached which set Africa decades backward and #Britain knows how austerity feels now.

We shouldn’t continue to play the novice in the arena of world politics. New Scramble of Africa is solely for control. New endless wave of charm offensive is on the way as different countries with weapons and wealth compete to have Africa under their armpit. Nations in this geopolitical contest has interest and we have interest too and ours shouldn’t be of indifference to past injustice-used and abused on our resources. So take full advantage of such wealth disbursements or call it handouts and be wise to use it to uplift the poor masses who have carried the burden of corporate corruption for so long. Please avoid the act of #secretoffshorebanking, we know all about elite corruption here too- accountability now must take precedent in the New Africa of our dream. Please try reduce the sufferings of the poor masses by having their interest at heart.

Africa has come of age because we know money does not build wealth rather development does. We need to work to end youths perilous journey through the Mediterranean Sea. Do not be on the side of those who exploit the land leaving #globalwarming as gifts for future generations to suffer #effectofcycloneidai. Side with the people because the #Spring is not over yet and let your legacy define you and endure joy for the masses or else #askSudan.

Celestine Chidi holds BA in International Relation and BA.Hons in International Politics 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

My Africa

The beautiful faces of my people smile.

For your land is unconquerable.

They may have mocked your life’s,

but all depends on how you now respond.

Can I be left alone to live my life,

For all I do is never gonna be good enough.

Enough of taking me for granted,

for I am as you are too.

Our fathers were mocked long before,

they threw away all they had and followed.

Followed to a land where they knew nothing,

nothing to change for but left abandoned.

If you think democracy was your invention,

Look at how my fathers lived their lives.

They managed to hold down what they could, 

yes not all were good but, to threw all away?

Can I be left to eat the way I choose,

without being told to use your fork and knife, 

let me wash my hand and feed on my ebab,

such culture belongs to me respect it I say.

We have long been deceived for far too long,

as though we amount to nothingness.

But you hauled our men and women then,

to your land as beast of something else.

My Africa rejoice for you are really great.

Look in your morning mirror and smile again,

for no one can quantify you by their word,

Our ancestors surely would want you to be.

I have asked God this very one question,

Could my ancestors all be hauled to hell?

As I sleep so I await His response,

for if God can’t judge then no one should.

My Africa rejoice!

Join hands and rejoice!

You are great people rejoice,

for in your joy, you can do wonders.

Yes your joy were all taken away then,

you can’t mourn forever of their ills.

It is time you look back and take your pride, 

Our ancestral warriors conquered their lands. 

They planted the land of their oppressors,

fed their greed with own life and sweat.

Never were they paid for those injustices,

in greatness remains mocked of today. 

Let not their words define you,

for none knows your real worth but you.

But kept in the innermost of your mind,

goad you to your true glorious height.

Loathed on Both Sides: the masses at the mercies of politicians and clergies


According to Rousseau “I have demonstrated that Man is by nature good and that only our institutions has made him bad” Durant 1967:29 ; Emedolu 2017:109). 

The above citation directs my desire towards understanding human through the various existing institutions that exist and through which they are directed. The era in great difficulty of understanding the world around us has increased and all together has made the masses wanderers to own machinations and within these puzzle-an enigma of some kind, lacks clarity not for absence of creativity or originality but rather as slaves of civilization. These institutions and laws therein has actually diminished freedom rather than allow it to thrive given the ever encroachment seen each day. The two institutions of human consent-freedom to worship and to be ruled, has come at no good to man given present circumstances of our modern time. With such parasitic opportunism as forms of interaction it has developed to become human endangerment whilst begging for blood in desperation-overused and abused.

Politicians and clergies on their part appearing with such slogans “we would build heaven on earth for you vote for us” and “your kingdom isn’t of this world pay your tilts and God would reward You abundantly”. Both taking advantage of the situation abandoned the ordinary man to helpless condition and live off the sweat of such destitute man in the veils of uplifting their earthly and heavenly conditions. These outcome plays out daily- lavish lifestyle in posh cars and expensive mansions and best eatery money can afford while the poor on their own waits on earthly doors looking forward to promised heavenly “kingdom come”. The Horatian line “We are deceived by the appearance of good”, cannot be taken for granted since these desires are never evenly shared such politicians and clergies lay wait to such desperation since that is the nature of the world and that was meant to exist. These good for which man is held captive keeps him perpetually in search of everlasting joy which never comes for if it were, what needs are these two anyway? 

This should resonate as a means of evaluating what drives man and how man gets trapped in the things seen for which they end up being victims of self inflicted wounds. Truth is, we can’t continue to act as though we are unaware of the nature of human existence but rather should speak not through fear- since fear remains mans biggest challenge, but through risk of facing fear itself which if not taken can lead to many untold hardships. This is the mental state to which we are meant to reason rational enough to break the mental servitude and unshackled man for total emancipation. In modern times these two subjects continues to plough on these fears to advance their set objectives of deceit. These dystopian existence are well designed and forms the desire to evaluate the mode of operations so that the need for re-education of the mind remains vitally important through understanding how we got here.

Birds of the same feather flock together a similarities long over due to disparage modern day Church and Politics given the pains of ordinary man.

1.1 The poor man in the middle: churches act of deceit. 

Between God and the natural man is the clergy since the act of discernment is only understood through confirmation to such position. So it is not surprising to see proliferation of churches today as a means of multiplication of seekers of representatives to the mouthpiece of the Gods. The simple fact that God cannot speak but through man mystifies the workings of God as an ever present challenge. Given the natural acquiescence of man to God-seeking to have continued contact with the supreme being, therein lay the continued deceit and malign act of men against man. So not surprising that man should continue to feel  the over exertion of power in such area since his mind and soul is control through and from it. In this foregoing instances, man becomes victim of the very same act of men. The poor man in this instance perpetually is the victim of such act given the ever dependence in the spiritual realm otherwise to whom can the matters of the soul be granted thus that dependence.

1.1.1 the ungodly acts of men of God

When an individual immerses oneself on worldly possession what then can they offer and how then can the Shepards words be differentiated by “vanity upon vanity”. The truth is, the varying degree at which what is said differs from actions constantly on daily occurrence with recent reported happening in and around the church by no less than men of God driven by self delusional desires is concerning. As emphasis on material emancipation to the disadvantage of spiritual self growth grounded to less knowledge and situational needs increases human destruction to an unimaginable immeasurable degree. The sexual abuse case in Australia is in living memorial a wake of call;

"Like many survivors it has taken me years to understand the impact upon my life. At some point we realize that we trusted someone we should have feared and we fear those genuine relationships that we should trust”. What a betrayal of trust in the highest order.

1.1.2 the shenanigans of politicians: states faithful failures

What similarities can we draw between the clergy and politician; they are both representatives of men with propensity to opportunism. In much of today we sees “dine and wine” as politician loses direction to where to lead the populace. Speaking truth to power gradually is disappearing because fear of death hangs on individual life’s, so rather stay alive than say the truth. Otherwise how else could one explain the ever absence of truth to continued decay within the society to which everyone sees and keep silent. In such obscurity of truth, politician act with impunity against the wishes of the people because the moral voice are silenced. As the drums of war go unchallenged, the resulting outcome is the flood of refugees needing help from the system that is designed perpetually to benefit the high and mighty subjecting the poor man to everlasting quest for happiness. The hypocritically nature of such act ever hidden remains the mystery to which God would be puzzled to acts of man against the dictates of Edem. The front pews ever reserved to the politician front, left, right and center. Yet the pastor can’t challenge the deceitful acts that makes the poor yearn for justice, a simple bromance hardly to be seen in the confused scheme of all things.


Emotional intelligence is of vital importance in other to stay atop the many challenges of our world. The world is filled with people driven by various motives and interests who pushes the bounds of common reasoning and understanding. We have to deal with the ideological ploy of “orthodoxy and methodologism” to evade the trappings that ensnares us in minds servitude. The clergy and politician continues to blurt the line between church and state thereby chipping away human freedom for their benefit committing man to untold hardships by exploiting gaps and errors in our conscious experience. This goes against the natural belief of “Give to Caesar what belongs to him and to God what is His”. Without painting all with same brush we can highlight the leadership quality displayed by the New Zealander Leader whose empathy marvels the whole world following the deadly Christchurch killing-one in a million act.


The onus is the masses to open their eyes boldly and be on the look out for American wonder Disney styled representatives whose sole objective is not just self serving but ‘fool me tendency’. No one is better placed to dictate deceitfulness better then the masses themselves and can only do this if they remain natural and authentic. Education remains the one single way to achieve purposeful emancipation and not the type dictated by entrenched materialistic desires but one wrapped in originality of purpose for the good on mankind.

Ezemedolu Celestine holds BA in International Relation and BA. Hons in International Politics