Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Truth, what Truth?

The world of man is construct of lies he himself has made, who knows the truth? Man is split, between what was given to him by the Owner and what he knows. He figures the mind of Him, does what he thinks would impress Him. Man’s construct are what they are, imaginative supreme, and, in so doing sets his world on a path that leads to nothingness. Man is a figment of his own happiness, what he desires he grabs, these to him represents the truth he thinks he seeks. What is the truth? If what he knows is confusing and what he doesn’t know, no less than what is known. Who owns the truth? The truth was, is and would forever hunt man, for he finds comfort on that which is antithetical to what ought to be. We dangle in a world we co-create. I like the word bubble, when it bursts, life is exposed. 

Morgan Brown

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