Rampant corruption bleeds subdued electorates: An unchanging political reflection of Nigerian state.
A preferred title for this article would have been, ‘corruption 101: effects on the voting age’, but given that this is election season in Nigeria, the need to look at the broader state of affairs elicited a much more wholistic rather than selective approach.
Nigerian situation has reached a point which requires a total relook at where we are going rather what we currently have in place. It requires an honest and whole hearted effort for which not only are the leaders called to take corrective steps but also those who are governed need also be involved an event that necessity reorientation as a cause of action for corrective measures to be taken. What should this involve, it requires a re-evaluation of what we have accepted as normal practices through conscious effort of self sacrifices and ownership of our collective responsibility so as to achieve the trejactory in our desired development. This includes and not limited to self sacrifice- a rededication of oneself in their respective areas of work/employment for the collective good of all.
Wouldn’t want to call our drive to democratic imparetives at various level in our institutions a waste of effort given the short falls that continues to impede our movement. This is highlighted in the fact that, the strength of human mind can transcend evil at every given time when they are ready to do so and would always win. A good example would be the case of Arab Spring that took place not to long ago but we must be careful of what we wish for since outcome are not always predictable. This can be seen in the various results from; Tunisia, Egypt,Libya and Syria and the latest drive for democratic outcome in Venezuela.
Back to the situation in Nigeria, the level of corruption is such that most institution are at a state of paralysis. Corruption is defined by Corruption Perceptions Index (www.pwc.com/ng) as “Abuse of public office for private gain”. Imagine going to the hospital and haven had blood samples taken from you, days after you are called upon to retake the same sample because the previous one was misplaced. The question that quickly comes to mind would be, by whom? Given the high level unaccountability, no one gets held responsibility because it is still within the trash hold of normalcy.
A personal encounter with a motorcyclist popularly know as Okada-a popular means of transport in Nigeria, gives a grim picture of life of an ordinary Nigerian who see change as a distant dream. Prior to the election I had the opportunity of riding with an okada man. As has become part of an ongoing re-education drive in this season of elections targeting the masses on how to take back their power during this upcoming election, I decided to engage him on issues related to upcoming election especially poor road infrastructure and on his views about candidates policy based campaign related issues.
“It is election time he said and there is high probability of quick response to impress the voters, a clear indication of directives from above. We see this often, new projects gets started or promised to be initiated with the hope of attracting new voters towards what they say”. The true fact is that, these projects gets introduced and are rarely ever considered until next season for electioneering- use them, dump them mentality. These projects counts as many white elephant scattered across the country where money have been wasted without form of accountability.
The conversation continued towards the readiness to vote in the upcoming election.
How would you vote I know you must have chosen a candidate?
Which election ?
Don’t tell me you aren’t going to vote?
Of course why would I? I don’t have time because they have made arrangements for their friends to occupy various post with or without my vote.
But do you know your vote still counts notwithstanding your dissatisfaction, you have to make your voice heard by still voting from amongst those available.
There is little I can do, they organize few group, give them money and these guys would unleash terror to anyone who speaks against their benefactor.
That moment the impact of politics and how it has shapes the life of the people became more of a lived experience.The reality of how Nigerian political situation has reflected badly on everyday life of her citizen became more clearer and this in turn has conditioned the masses, numbed them that they live each day without clarity to what tomorrow brings. Their desire for good governance remains an unending quest, the question remain, for how long and at what cost?
A drive around community within different Eastern states would show high level of despair given lack of basic necessities that should aid them as evidence of good governance. This is reflected not just in words but also through people to people encounter which continues to highlight height of despondency within-absence of policy based issue campaign for which they have little or no say and still are forced to vote. It is this sorrowful state of affairs that has come to dominate everyday life for ordinary Nigerians for which they have no forms of recourse. Electing the same people or their prodigies who continues to loot the system make landfall mockery of the system that let looters get away when corruption is of obvious reality. These experiences vividly explains the negative effects of corruption which burdens the very foundation of accountability.
Corruption weakens the fairness of institutions, since its processes are a misdirection of policies and relevant priorities. Its existence of course allows for illegitimate forms of governance given their low level of trust among voters whose consent are constantly betrayed. It ultimately leads to erosion of human rights and dignity of human person given the governmental inability to continue performing within acceptable trash hold of normalcy. Drive around town and see police officers collecting bribe in the open since the basic norm of acceptable behavior are difficult to obtain and people are ready to give because they are afraid of having their rights violated.
If there is low voter turn out do not discard the reasons above because people have lost hope on any possibility of near future corrupt free society. So the need to avoid standing in long queues under the scorching sun. But should people vote and retain the same existing system they complain about then know that the system numbness has left them with no option.
People sees a government that is there to serve the interests of those at the corridors of power. Rampant corruption breeds numb electorate because there comes a time when effort to transform is not supported or is strongly challenged. These occurs given the level of abuses which the people have come to accept as well perfect. The people would rather side with the wrong doer because they feel it is there time to cut the slice of the national cake than expose them for fear of victimization.The society becomes numb and continue to close her eyes to wrongdoing that are committed. A motorist ones said ‘it is better to give bribe and continue with your business than been taken to the police station for spurious or trumped up charges which would deny them their daily livelihood.
Corruptions as an everyday lived experience, is a human right issue as such requires effort aimed at eradicating it. An anti-corruption campaign should encourage greater synergy for protection and promotion of those rights of citizens to seek better governance structure that is accountable and meets their needs.
This election continues to show and exposed a systemic gate keeping attitude by political office bearers who act not as the people’s mouth piece. They are there to fulfill their personal desires at the detriment of the people they are meant to represent. Pick 100 people from each states within the federation survey then and you would be surprised by their various responses, these similarity are an indication of how spread the system has become entrenched. This empathetic corrupt tendency- numbness towards act of corruption, has become a war that needs to be fought and must be won to get the country’s moral direction right. This victim remorselessness which has taken root allows the perpetrators to continue to live large at the masses expense making mockery of what democracy come really yield.
As an ardent student of good governance and civil responsibility, the truth is, the masses are struggling to make sense of where to draw the lines between what is their right and how to push for such rights to be fulfilled. At every point the odd is stack against them as they struggle to make sense of the complex web of price they pay rather than the benefits of democracy for which they yearn for whilst journeying towards this promised land.
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