There is a popular wise saying,'when truth becomes elusive and fails,lies flies'. This is a situation of today's world, it goes without saying and reality dictates this; when people are fed up, they react. This is an emotional realism resulting from built-up outcomes. The point remains, we have long written it off and today it is real. Populism have once again arose.
The co-habitation effect between truth and lies and the failure of the vanguard of truth to speak up or to ask hard question and insist on getting the truth and right answer has resulted in current scenario-a rejection of all things mainstream/ establishment. Simply put,the rise of populism is the result of long forgone human desire of equality,justice-the bastian of everything western that might very well be eroding. The inability to revise course with the clear writing very well on the wall meant that accountability has long gone in the diction of leadership.
Am an optimist not a pessimist,I believe that after desperation comes hope- this is for those who look on the positive side of life.
The Brexit, Trump election as 45th USA president and inward looking nations-adoption of nationalism and protectionism,which stirs us right in the face, all points to our failure as a collective,the fact that we have allowed few elitists with narrow interests to lead us on the wrong part to history without any checkmate is something of regret.
Truly, when fear steps in irrational response reigns. We have to remain calm to regain control of where/what/how we hope to see things done to achieve overall desire of all. Liberalism is not dead, what is comes from capitalism without control that keeps many out-right on the margins,with no hope of a better future.
Globalization must continue, much as we lament on it's ills, much more has and can still be achieved. We must not speak less but speak truth to power for a much better world,devoid of leaders with exploitative emotional tendencies.
Hope is not lost.
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