Tuesday, March 21, 2017

lessons from South Korea: Rise and Fall in Power.

The recent impeachment of a democratically elected first female president in South Korea is an interest driven topic discussion for one simple reason,the power of the people to reclaim their space-for lack of a better word. A brief summary to why she got impeached,'the suspicion she colluded with her confidante to extort money from businesses and committed other wrongdoings' (Associated Press;2017).
This discussion isn't about how/why she did it but rather about the right to hold elected officials accountable and how system works to ensure an impartial outcome when laws are flouted/despise or disregarded. In most part of the world political leaders get away with anything and everything from bankrupting the state to extrajudicial killing of citizens with no sanction or consequences,a perfect example coming to mind is the unlawful invasion of Iraq by Bush and Blair-b2 factor
The impeachment and eventual court ruling seconding such decision is to me worth highlighting as it shows strong institutional capacity,ability to respond in moment when needed most to avoid throwing the entire state into chaos- moments like these calls for immediate action across parties irrespective of the  party you support,contrast it to some countries or states where such are hard to come by. The ability to rise up to the occasion meant the state is more important than individuals and party they belong to. As a new state practicing democracy after deep long claw of dictatorship,it is worth a spot light.
To the ordinary South Korean,they showed ownership of their destiny as expressed by and through them during their election and when need arose,without abrogating their right of ownership responded accordingly to make sure they retain such ownership to the system they collectively agreed upon. Citizens rights does not cease nor end right after the election but is in continuum requiring constant vigilance at all time. In the case of south Korea, the state's various arms of government reciprocate each other  to keep the wishes of the masses alife irrespective of their divergent views. The state showed it does not depend on solely one arm of government but rather power revolves between the three arms and patronage cannot survive such system.
The right to be referred to as first citizen is everyones concern and the choice should be hotly contested reflecting the high regard such a position occupies in the masses minds as such requisites dedicated individuals who are ready to serve not to be served.
A rhetorical question may well be posed at this juncture: how have you safeguarded/reacted/shown ownership faced with similar situation? How have the other arms of government treated supposed inaction of one of their own. The actions of the presidents fellow party members may worth mentioning,some abandoned the party to vote with their conscience. We have seen situations contrary to the above mentioned example,collusion that aims to wrestle authority away from the people-rise of oppressive regime. We can at the same time draw comparism to events during the Arab spring with that of the aforementioned discussion on South Korea. Power collusion leads to oppressive outcome which back peddles democratic gains/processes and outcome, it results in a scenario of which we say"power corrupts and absolute power corrupt absolutely". Such as highlighted before feeds on patronage which the South Koreans refused to accept.
Power not backed up by authority fades away very fast as it open rooms for challenges not imagined example Syria,Burundi and Central African Republic. Legitimacy of power must have the blessing of the people with an effective three arms working mutually together not in competition of the other. Mutuality as opposed to competition bleeds a healthy democratic process and effective institutions within governance.
Power built on convenience dries up essence of democracy and are detrimental to the people's wishes example Zimbabwe. It is an unhealthy cohabitation of some sort amongst these arms of government  that leads to one arm of government total domination of the rest leaving them as a pawn-in this case used and abused by the executive. This has remained the challenge within the continent- interrupted checks and balances giving room to uncontrolled power exercise by an individual or group of individuals. Uninterrupted investigation an effective working system saw the fall of a sitting president,which is how democracy operates. Accountability of any office is vital to rooting corrupt practices,it is a one way stretch and should apply to all and sundry inspite of their offices or position occupied. We can draw a lot from the incidence in South Korea whom like most African states have seen fair share of dictatorship before and thereafter has made strives to improve for the seek of it's own people. We need to improve on our government and governance structures by eliminating current/future lone wolfism-individual bent on setting us back-capable of impacting us negatively as we continue to master the act of clean government through the practice of democracy. We the people own the government and not the other way round.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Moving The Goal Post

The global anti-migrant/foreign sentiment sweeping the entire world is both shocking and despicable. It is shocking because the world has moved past the nationalistic past-thanks to globalization which has brought the world much closer. It is despicable because the world can't turn the clocks hand backward. Xenophobia is becoming a political populist escapism,an anthem sang to please a section of the population,mostly the marginalized at the expense of selected group,only meant to sow seeds of discord-blame our woes on them for there is none other. This does not absorb the many ills or criminality of which migrants may be complicit in but we can't pick and choose when it is convenient for us.

From taking job to drug peddling and many other ascribed sins and crimes of migrants, they are easy target for which politician are quick to exploit with no intention of ever finding roots causes and solutions to. It is obvious that nationalistic beliefs still remain political undertones that finds solace amongst political power struggle which are thrown into public arena knowingly or unknowingly with the aim of gaining support,otherwise how can it be explained that legitimate businesses also become target of such nefarious activities for which no culprit ever gets found or prosecuted. By not addressing this stereotypical action,reactions to the symptoms remains the answer for which we are meant to believe actions are being taken while in actual fact it is a postponement of latter day evil, supporting the notion we have no intention or willingness to ever tackle or show readiness to confront the root cause.

Government should endeavour to tackle growing and ever increasing high level of unemployment by creating enabling environment for entrepreneurship to thrive. They should stop false hope of entitlement that negates realistic appreciation of the common threat that challenges us all. In this way the locals/indigenes can channel their frustration not on migrants who constantly are made escaped goats of failed policies.

(#xenophobia must cease)

Saturday, January 28, 2017

UN the Center Stage for High Diplomacy.

The United Nations is and should remain the center of high diplomacy. Many may not see the need for such based on many decimal output that the organization has over the years produced. This should not be the case going back to the purpose of it's formation- to offers an important platform for practice of multilateralism for which the league of Nations was notorious and failed to succeed. States as it's major actors should make it a point to fulfill their duties with regards to their financial responsibility.
It should be a welcomed development that the public policy of the new USA administration,as a major funder to review it's financial contributions should not be viewed, as retro-program rather gives room for all other states to take up their responsibility with both hands. Am happy that the Trump administration see the importance of multilateralism in diplomacy and the role UN plays in providing this platform.
United Nations needs to change and change it has to,both in the way it conducts it's business to achieve much better result. Such change should not be an individual state driven responsibility but rather requires an active participation of all members nation to bring in much needed life to this prestigious organization so as to avoid the short lived effect that is the driving force at the moment. At the center of this remains individual state shouldering the bulk of the duty especially the financial aspect of it. The majority 193 needs to stand up and be counted revising the idea of "the piper dictates the tone". 
The USA, UN representative-Nikki Haley-could not have spoken at the right time and much better with emphasis on active states role to revive the fortunes of the organisation. States can show they value this organization by playing vital role in it's funding. This is both a duty and an obligation and gives all states a leveraging opportunity in equal voice and action. As a proposal going forward, all states should set aside a certain mandatory percentage of their annual budget as a funding model that can give a lifeline to this organization eliminating over dependency on individual state whims and caprice.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Recent Rise in Populism: Never Imagined But A Reality

There is a popular wise saying,'when truth becomes elusive and fails,lies flies'. This is a situation of today's world, it goes without saying and reality dictates this; when people are fed up, they react. This is an emotional realism resulting from built-up outcomes. The point remains, we have long written it off and today it is real. Populism have once again arose.

The co-habitation effect between truth and lies and the failure of the vanguard of truth to speak up or to ask hard question and insist on getting the truth and right answer has resulted in current scenario-a rejection of all things mainstream/ establishment. Simply put,the rise of populism is the result of long forgone human desire of equality,justice-the bastian of everything western that might very well be eroding. The inability to revise course with the clear writing very well on the wall meant that accountability has long gone in the diction of leadership.

Am an optimist not a pessimist,I believe that after desperation comes hope- this is for those who look on the positive side of life.
The Brexit, Trump election as 45th USA president and inward looking nations-adoption of nationalism and protectionism,which stirs us right in the face, all points to our failure as a collective,the fact that we have allowed few elitists with narrow interests to lead us on the wrong part to history without any checkmate is something of regret.
Truly, when fear steps in irrational response reigns. We have to remain calm to regain control of where/what/how we hope to see things done to achieve overall desire of all. Liberalism is not dead, what is comes from capitalism without control that keeps many out-right on the margins,with no hope of a better future.
Globalization must continue, much as we lament on it's ills, much more has and can still be achieved. We must not speak less but speak truth to power for a much better world,devoid of leaders with exploitative emotional tendencies.
Hope is not lost.