Friday, August 30, 2013



Dear Mr Honourable President( Nobel Peace Prize Laureate)

Please with all respect I observe your esteemed protocol. I learnt that this  medium sends quicker any intended message without the usual post mail checks which are security bound. I humbly write to you as you ponder on what possible position to take with regard to Syrian government ‘Red Line Crossing’. I am nobody in the scheme of power but inspired by you on both your speeches and the hope you project. Mr President, I value your many contributions though I write from a Sovereign African Country-Land of Madibe.

At your 1st inauguration I remember shading tears of joy while watching you take oat of office and I believe billions did the same all around the world,at which I said ’now status of equality meets liberty’. You were  and still remain the source of hope to which the world hopes to breath sigh of relief,that many years of war can come to and end through different diplomatic steps you have undertaken- a shift from confrontation to engagement. I remember in your many speeches across the continents of the world in which you alluded to this which in turn appealed to both friends and foes alike. This won you hearts and souls, that at the time of you were honoured with Noble Peace Prize, I had I a heated argument with my friends who felt the prize was premature to which I vehemently disagree with as you deserve it.

What has changed you may ask? Yes! A lot has changed. 1st you maintained engagement with the world even when it is difficult to say the lest. I looked at one of your photoes with President Putin of Russian Republic-maybe in one of the summit you two were involved-and I saw an uneasy friendship of which you have pushed so hard to maintain. While the war in Syria was ongoing you drew a ‘Red Line’ an indication of your refusal to be brought into the war. I respect that very approach which in African tradition is a mark of statesmanship, a leader who is impartial. It was a shift from Bush's era, I hope must would applaud you for that.

The red line has being crossed and I believe the second time. I understand the difficulty you must be in considering everything you stand for-to strike or not to. Please this is the reason I write to you, take a deep breath if this works and then give the UN inspectors the chance to announce their finding and then through it a culprit is named, believing no one in the world would not support any action you call people to rally around would fail. Please do not toe the part of war of which its advocates would push harder on you. Let your decision be informed by wisdom and due process of the law, which as a lawyer you know better. What happens moving forward matter to us in this world as every decision rest with you.

I believe there in Syria there is someone of same age even though not of the same color similar to your two daughters-Sasha and Malia-praying for peace and not war,cessation and never confrontation. Hoping you calm the tensed situation.

God Bless You Mr President and I pray He does guide your decision                                            

Yours sincerely

Chidi Celestine  

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Meditating over some words I found fascinating,let me share my thought on this few words ‘unexplained lingering cloud’. Remember the three letter ‘UFO’, this time ‘ULC’ is for real and as we dwell on who did it which is currently subject to outcome of evidence the UN investigators were able to gather. This situation still, is very unfortunate with regard to the continuing gridlock at the Security Council while people dead and are still.
Looking pass the inevitable ‘to strike or not to strike’ in this surrounding mist of many unanswered question, the obvious big mistake of the twenty first century remains the Councils inability to rise up above national politics of belief/ideology to live up to the expectations of its mandate of protecting world peace/security as spelt out in the charter of its founding. They should by now be 'UNITED TO ACT' as the current situation presents..
This complacency as uncharacteristically as it may/may have, gave the audacity to use of chemical weapon likened to genocide- in this case, number is of less importance where  and when human life is concerned,where sovereignty is sort or a pretest for cowardly act of sole affair which care-less ruler-ship presents.
Timely should be of the essence to the UN-Security Council-organ of which policy across broad spectrum in international affairs should be maintained when issues of this great magnitude occurs. This will go along way towards setting a united front of which, never again shall individuals consider such an option especially leaders of any nation on their people. Syrians deserve better than what is currently the shallow response, to rebuild trust of one million kids/children, young women and men displaced from misguided actions of wars and brutality.

Saturday, August 24, 2013



The security council and the charter under which it was created necessitates that the organ itself needs look beyond, see and take heed to necessary reforms to meet the ever changing world: a reflection into the global world order within which it conduct its function. Against the backdrop of what currently exist which is high politics of expediency. Viewing its paralysis from the standpoint of  what is manifesting itself in Syria,it only greets to the needs and case that points to such call for reform to nip the further incubation of future symptom.
The cold war era was characterized with disparaging outcome disheartening to such a great prestige organ, creating in it many problems of which ineffectiveness became so obvious in the security council operational outcome. The demise of that era was filled with great hopes and anticipation which at first seems possible and plausible but viewing from current scenario in Syria like in many others before it-Rwanda and Bosnia- has again reared its ugly head, an era we wish never to see again, its intent in manifestation seems everything between obvious and certainty.
Bases of the above prompted a questions from a classmate of mine -are we back to the cold war era where power plays politic upon human life? This is a question that I think should be posed to the security council and its permanent members as it necessities assurances to observers that the world body isn’t deviating again towards ideologically divided world that cripples anything positive and renders the global aim of peace and security invalid.
The point that remains critical at this moment is, millions are being killed, displaced and chemical weapons are ultimately involved in a power game,for which the organ sanctioned to see that any threat to human life is not taken for granted, and such organ isn't positioned to take necessary steps years after the event started to end such threat let alone reach a consensus on how to go about it. This stalemate requires the need for the General Assembly to act using the ‘Uniting for Peace Resolution', of which I think would be necessary regardless of whom the perpetrator might be in light of the current lock-down in the security council.
Finally, it must be noted that there is a great expression of goodwill all around the world towards the need for a more functioning global organization that will live to the expectation set out in its original founding document-responsive to world issues. This might be an illusion if the organ is resistant to changes required to reach these goals. Nationalist tendencies which challengers this obvious goodwill by dividing rather than building collective will to act, needs to be done away with. If the permanent members of the security council needs quantum of assurances, the world can so as to achieve a more efficient system that works for the collective than mirroring individualistic view based on belief.
Posted by Chidi Celestine
Student of: international relation and diplomacy

Sunday, August 18, 2013

We The People: An Engagement Not To Be Ignored

The era of a leader without the consent of the people is long gone. This is a continuation of the blog’ Lone Player And The Game Lovers ‘posted on the 7/26/13. The recent events as it happens in Egypt I did indicate has potential danger as a result of lack of leadership especially coming from the United States political establishments . That inability to call it by its name –coup, as expected is turning blind eye to situation that requires political will/leadership.
The world requires honesty, a leadership that can continuously speak out without what I would call geopolitical policy of interest. Should we presume that no one anticipated the bloodbath of last week?Surely, the consequence of military take over in the 21st century has the tendency especially in countries that has witnessed the long reign of dictatorship a pent up anger waiting to erupt. Surely this shouldn’t come as a surprise because this part of the world like and democratic country deserve better if not the best.
United State as the most visible leader of the world shouldn’t be ambiguous when it comes to issues of democratic principle as doing so would give no voice to the voiceless and on the long run compromise what we all believe is the only system that currently works.As a continent on the part to democratization nostalgic of the saying ‘as good as it get’,felt bad as in the case of Egypt where it is as bad as it unfolds.
The face of African continent has changed with the wave we came to associate as Arab Spring. The old order would find it difficult to maintain its status as the case has shown of in this case Egypt. Egyptians has this classic created forever in the hearts and minds of any country within the continent in this 21st century to reject any form of imposed rulership. Africans has waken up and writings on the wall must be read by any would be leader to never ignore the people any longer and I hope the have got the desired right meaning.
This is a continent that leaders needs to reassure its women/youths that their future is not being taken for granted. This is the first part towards creating a social cohesion that would help uplift the millions of future leaders on which the continents growth rest.