Thursday, January 24, 2013

New Social Order, Demise of the Old

New Social Order, Demise of the Old
The social re-evolution must not be considered as haven taken us by surprise. Maybe/maybe not, we haven’t taken note or we are too quick to forget. Society seems to run with the wave then wait for another , then another…
Let me not confuse things and rather get to my point. Recently the world was rattled by the confession/admission by Lance Armstrongn to the doping. Confession/admission let me remind us that when one admits and confesses there is forgiveness.
Am not interested in Lance as a person but rather looking at how he got to this point and how much societal demands may have contributed to the product of what we get. The big question always to be asked is does society share in this blame? How much does society play in making its own. I see Lance from the lens that the society throws on itself.
When we as a society are constantly spurring our own,constantly making failure as well as success as a do or die issue, creating the notion that failure does not associate itself when there is a success, those who falls within the bracket of success never admitting to accepting the possibility they can fall found themselves in this backwardness of unimaginable lies,secret to keep inspired even when they are on the dying/dead bed.
We should take blame for what/ how far the young man has lived in deceit. The society indirectly asked and got what it gets. We have in one time or another constantly played Gods. It is time we remember we are humans and as humans capable of mistakes . we should look inward, play our part in building a society that accepts both failure as well as success as part of the same life experiences, in so doing, eliminate desperate acts and false being/hood that pushes forth within, just like we have seen in the past from what has come to emerge from individual short comings.
We all have a part to play.

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