Thursday, December 5, 2013


'Let freedom reign'
what a life we've missed
a man of impeccable quality
crown of human compassion.
Never shall we forget
for a life fulfilled by Wisdom
you have joined our ancestors
please! tell them we still battle for leadership.

(ON THIS DAY THE 06/12/13.A Tribute to MADIBA)
By Chidi Celestine.

Monday, September 30, 2013


The World in September and Beyond

‘Productive engagement is an outcome of intense positive diplomacy’. There are two events that is worth re-looking at in the month of September: the resolution 2118 on Syria on the 27th in the United Nation Security Council and before then, the 1st ever United State and Iran official talk in over a decade.
The choice of this two has in it-never experienced tendency in the world high politics. The month proceeding September was filled with heightened tension as the world hoped to see justice done to an act of inhumanity, even though it still remains on the card, as such an act deserved not to be overlooked, the month in September saw a shift from image of a roaming war to intense diplomacy to which the world could breathe a sigh of relief. The eventual outcome is much of broadening of UNSC role and a reduction in the sovereignty enjoyed by states.
It indicate what can happen if and when collective role within Security Council is appreciated and applied on burning world issues-eliminating agentic  role performed by certain individual states. The combination of leadership in Obama lead by Kerry and Putin lead by Lavrov differs significantly Blair/Bush era which was marred by isolation of divergent views leading to near world chaos in their war in Iraq. Notwithstanding ideological differences, a peaceful world is both to the USA/Russian interest. Gone should be the belief in the notion of a chaotic world is beneficial to a section/portion in the world of which they also are part of. Even though Obama/Putin shares no common belief/ideals, such a marriage of convenience at this point in time, is a welcomed development to buttress the point that there are things that we share and that holds us all together-humanity; to which breakthrough in conflict of interest of which diplomacy is credited is in the interest of all. Resolution 2118 can be a starting point for the Security Council to reclaim its role as expected in the vision and charter upon which it was founded.
Shifting further is much a fascinating event as those of the eventual resolution 2118, the first ever official engagement between USA and Iran at the highest level over three decade of face-off. The phone call and eventual meeting itself between Secretary of States and His foreign counterpart in Iran is significant and worth noting. I truly believe and see in Kerry what I may not have admired-statesmanship- and to Obama the possibility of realizing the Middle East peace with such a working combination. This window of opportunity should be grabbed with both hands as such engagement revolves round many issues within Middle Eastern instability.
My belief is, that most of these countries that are difficult to deal with needs the world help of which Iran is no exception. The shift to moderate from hardliner is a silent statement of which the world should not ignore and it’s a welcome move that the Obama administration could see that and willing to engage.
A look at Burma a country USA  the has normalized relation with not in any way comparison to Iran, as this presents a possibility of easing/erasing hotspots for conflict/flashpoints, a benefit the world should hope to see achieved. By engaging with Iran, they like any nations are meant to see the responsibility that is expected of them a member the global community-a responsibly partner to global governance. It leads to an admission that; the policy of isolation sometimes damages the fabric of humanity as it breeds with it radicalism and extremism in some certain quarter who may not share the ideals which we hold in great love- common identity as humanity.
History would be the final judge when the engagement policy of the present USA government is revisited and I hope it would be a model to be adopted going forward even to Israeli/Palestine issue to two state solution.
If dreams were reality, we would like to see September come back as a good story to be told when October has come and gone but not the tell in Kenya and Nigeria where terror attacks still claim lives of innocent. Condolences to the good people affected in these great countries.
Celestine Chidi

Sunday, September 15, 2013


 Organizational evolution is of dynamic imperative as we journey through the 21st century and beyond-time changes so too are its people and organization they belong to so as to avoid it dying a natural death of stagnancy. Close diplomacy of the past is nothing compared to today’s judging from yesterdays outcome which is busted by modern means of communication devoid of speculation. The show of unity by the duo –USA and RUSSIA, is a thing to celebrate.
Who says this two can’t tango on a time like these? Evaluating the mode right after the press conference of a 3 day hard diplomatic engagement between Washington Kerry and Russian Lavrov in Geneva I am optimistic that days ahead in the UN Security Council mode would be somber as everyone think back to events proceeding. It is a diplomatic win for the world. This is a success for the USA and RUSSIA as both sacrificed a lot to get to the point of general agreement expressing satisfaction to their final outcome.
Non lost in my view as both should receive an equal pat on the back, the Obama administration hard stance should be appreciated with great love-for lack of a better word-for pressing the Russian to act on their good friend Assad.
The title organizational evolution within the UN is of great importance.UN has to succeed and can only do so when and while it adapt to meeting the challenges that comes along in its existence. The Syrian crisis unlike any is a challenge of unprecedented magnitude. Was anyone anticipating the polarization it presented as an aftermath? Of course not, the resultant agreement is the best known in recent time between the two great powers. I hope would continue on many issues like nuclear non proliferation and Palestine/Israeli issue.
This friendly relation that emerged from the 3 day hard diplomatic negotiation is only possible when there is an understanding that a stable world is only possible by accepting to work together. Who wants war anyway?  This question should be anchored along with the popular slogan ‘yes we can” attitude in a winning formula.
Against the backdrop of ‘two elephant fighting the glass feels the impact’ should make these two-USA and RUSSIA, understand the hope placed on them to agree to disagree while maintaining world peace. Regardless of the skepticism still left on, solution within the mother organization is essential to maintain the functionality irrespective of who proposes such solution, in effect accommodating of differences of opinion to meet the greater demand of world crisis. Antagonism on issues should be less important and possible outcome like the 14th day of September presented cherished.
Bravo to diplomacy, we hope the government of Syria appreciate the length walked to achieve what was and such reciprocate by being transparent in all their disclosures. Opposition we hope shall walk the political way as a possible solution to the two and more years of civil war consume lives.
Permit me to add here, may we never lose sight of the vital significance of British parliaments vote which indirectly by virtue of omission or commission helped delay the process of the war or bombing as the case may have been, which if they had voted otherwise would have seen an entirely different scenario.

Celestine Chidi (Student of International Relation and Diplomacy)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013



Sword silent swords
Souls! The world has seen not to forget
September 11, you have come to be;
A world to fight never wishing
For these souls; death is just a time
Movement to which evil lauds
These evil we refuse to rob mankind
One minute we stand, honour… peace.

By Celestine Chidi 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Images and Wars

Images and Wars

Destruction of the unintended
Intent at a change.
Perishment of souls; of both.
Nations were made and extinct
That desire-manifestation of time.
A child has seen, yet! Sense denied
Shall it continue to be and
where is mans mind made
An unending act of man
Is it inesse of self worth?
War sorrows of untold.

(By Celestine c)

Friday, August 30, 2013



Dear Mr Honourable President( Nobel Peace Prize Laureate)

Please with all respect I observe your esteemed protocol. I learnt that this  medium sends quicker any intended message without the usual post mail checks which are security bound. I humbly write to you as you ponder on what possible position to take with regard to Syrian government ‘Red Line Crossing’. I am nobody in the scheme of power but inspired by you on both your speeches and the hope you project. Mr President, I value your many contributions though I write from a Sovereign African Country-Land of Madibe.

At your 1st inauguration I remember shading tears of joy while watching you take oat of office and I believe billions did the same all around the world,at which I said ’now status of equality meets liberty’. You were  and still remain the source of hope to which the world hopes to breath sigh of relief,that many years of war can come to and end through different diplomatic steps you have undertaken- a shift from confrontation to engagement. I remember in your many speeches across the continents of the world in which you alluded to this which in turn appealed to both friends and foes alike. This won you hearts and souls, that at the time of you were honoured with Noble Peace Prize, I had I a heated argument with my friends who felt the prize was premature to which I vehemently disagree with as you deserve it.

What has changed you may ask? Yes! A lot has changed. 1st you maintained engagement with the world even when it is difficult to say the lest. I looked at one of your photoes with President Putin of Russian Republic-maybe in one of the summit you two were involved-and I saw an uneasy friendship of which you have pushed so hard to maintain. While the war in Syria was ongoing you drew a ‘Red Line’ an indication of your refusal to be brought into the war. I respect that very approach which in African tradition is a mark of statesmanship, a leader who is impartial. It was a shift from Bush's era, I hope must would applaud you for that.

The red line has being crossed and I believe the second time. I understand the difficulty you must be in considering everything you stand for-to strike or not to. Please this is the reason I write to you, take a deep breath if this works and then give the UN inspectors the chance to announce their finding and then through it a culprit is named, believing no one in the world would not support any action you call people to rally around would fail. Please do not toe the part of war of which its advocates would push harder on you. Let your decision be informed by wisdom and due process of the law, which as a lawyer you know better. What happens moving forward matter to us in this world as every decision rest with you.

I believe there in Syria there is someone of same age even though not of the same color similar to your two daughters-Sasha and Malia-praying for peace and not war,cessation and never confrontation. Hoping you calm the tensed situation.

God Bless You Mr President and I pray He does guide your decision                                            

Yours sincerely

Chidi Celestine