Monday, December 26, 2016

Two Main Political Highlights of 2016

2016 is going to go down in history as a year filled with surprises, from the British exiting the EU,Italians rejecting constitutional reform resulting in the Prime minister's resignation,Trump's election as 54th USA president and lastly the sudden turn about of a loser president in Gambia who conceded to defeat and his sudden rejection of the entire election result. From within these list comes two main international political highlights of great interest.
Firstly, the democratic ineptitude of USA political processes contributing to what would be called democratic devaluation of this century. During the presidential debate,the entire process drifted/degenerated to personality cult without substance compounded by allegations of foreign meddling,simply put-putinization of the entire election process. The absence of substantive issue in the debate was mindbugling leaving it probably as the worst in recent history. Hillary Clinton could have won if she had disavowed the legacy of her boss- Obama's visit to England to campaign for British stay in EU was a total failure to which she should have learnt. Obama's failure was very visible in the foreign policy circle as seen in both Syria and Libya.
Secondly,the over-ratedness of political pundits who were highly shocked by the outcome of both events in Britain and USA. The mainstream establishment have always had control of the mind and thought of the ordinary man dictating how they should reason- they the media ascribed to themselves the mouthpiece of the man on the street. When the media resorted to sensationalism of important issues they lost the plot, this could be seen as all attempt to sway the result in their preferred candidate failed decimally becoming a huge hummering never seen in many years of obvious prediction. When they identified with the establishment- oppressors of the poor and suppressors of the truth they represented non other but themselves. Obama won on a ticket of change but the media are yet to interrogate and find out what changes he's achieved. Trump is the mainstream creation for as they tried to demonize him,he became more endearing to many mostly those whom the media ones spoke on behalf of. Today's rise in populism is the outcome of a symptomatic political ills which the media has helped nursed knowingly or unknowingly. 
2017 demands a retro-introspection to which the media should step back and try regain the masses trust. Globalization has played a vital part,gone are the dark age as information is readily available. Hoping for a better new year. Cheers

Monday, October 3, 2016

Can Someone Wake Me Up! An Emboldened State.

On the 28th of September,the United States senate reversed the presidential veto preventing families of 9/11 to sue the Saudi government over its complacency or thereabout on that terror attack in 2001 through the bill known as'justice against sponsors of terrorism act' or simply called JASTA. This to me is telling not just from a moral point of view but also for the political remification associted with such

All along, the Saudis had lobbied against such legislature,the reason most likely related to confirmation or affirmation of complacency of that faithful day terror related attack. Thus, the bill goes to actually confirm such fear.

But there is something confusing with United states politics and most especially on it's foreign policy making process  which leaves the rest of the world bewildered. It is complicated and very complex. Take for instance the complex relationship between Iran and United State which revolves around Iranian untowards behavior in the past. Bring it forward, if the Iranians where to be the Saudis classification as state sponsor of terror would have been swift as a snap of the finger.

Back to the bill issue and it's significants,firstly the bill highlights the failures of intelligence community with regard to Iraq invasion,it was totally flawed,in hindsight the Saudis should have taken the fall. Secondly USA foreign policy process is so complex,complicated and resulting into disaffection amongst friends and foes alike. Lets relook series of events in the past years for instance the coup in Egypt that brought Sisi into power, at no point was it pronounced as a coup by the USA leaving behind smokes of cloud hanging over the then deposed leader who was democratically elected. Should we mention the absence of a strong rebuke on the Saudis or Bahrainis on human right abuses.

The recent anti establishment campaign gripping the globe most felt in the western world comes as no surprises because politicians have long abandoned democratic process that is built on accountability to pursue their own agenda backed by so called experts advise. This has rather expanded the gap that today is filled in by nationalist propagating hate-a negation of centuries of hard won human civilization.

Today the Saudis are engaged in two prong wars,firstly in Syria where they support so called free rebels and then actively engaged in Yemen where thousands of civilians has dead. This I said wouldn't have been possible had the long working relationship between the two cold war foes had remained intact. Today both Syrian and Yemen lay in ruins as a result of these failed policy making process.

This mismatch in USA foreign policy has given rise in a highly unsecured world, where states act without any chance of being held accountable that is with no consequences. The presidential veto reversal by the senate is a moral victory not based on politics as usual. But the feeling of jittery which comes days after reversing the presidential veto may compromise further the USA leadership position in the world as they are required to show.

What then? Would cooperation with the Saudis be reconsidered or is it going to be business as usual. The fact is that the Saudis have become more emboldened through their invasion of sovereign states- Yemen and Syria,which happens right under the nose of international community with no consequence. Thanks to USA foreign policy which have given up on leadership resulting into this mismatched policy- a leadership from behind. Blame it on no one!

(This is an opinion piece,subject to individual interpretation,should you wish to oppose such view you are welcomed).

Monday, September 26, 2016

Black and Powerful (#blacknpowerful).

coming on the heels of this years heritage day 24th of September 2016, borrowing word from what the vice president of South Africa said "inclusive African identity" and also the word of Arts and culture Minister "to assert our African Identity", I felt the need to commend the Government for making it possible that the country celebrates its diversity through heritage. It is an encouraging drive at keeping unity through heritage and I evenly hope other countries through out the continent does the same. Africa is on the drive part to newer identity poised by globalization which challenges everything past and present. The hashtag black and powerful is a movement I hope would stick, aimed at encouraging Africans within and those in diaspora to work together to counter stereotype that portrays us in bad light-weak and lagging behind in developments. There is a general belief that the black nation has not fully actualized its dream of development since independence. In moments like these when a lot is going on , there is need to speak in one voice to motivate one another to think and act positive to achieve the desired growth that can uplift us from generational effect of backwardness caused by events such as colonialism and unfortunate results of underdevelopment accompanied by continued plundering of resources which feeds into poverty and consequentially mass migration inside/outside of the continent- outside the continent which is the causes of many death on the Mediterranean a scene we are all familiar with. We can blame it on leadership but still much of it is caused by our inability to appreciate our various diversity which can strengthen our unity,this results in lack of  or absence of unity, love and care which is the foundation of being and belief system-ubuntu.
Events in the states where the lives of black people are constantly under attack requires stronger solidarity from motherland from where black first migrate came from- centuries of hard labor,perseverance seems to be continually forgotten or unacknowledged.
Building stronger solidarity through heritage will assist us in appreciating one another and minimize undesirable journeys of perilous consequences. So, the #blacknpowerful brings black solidarity to the fore through heritage celebration,dispelling negative mentality that we can make it within and anywhere in the world. This help solidify ownership of our own destiny through hard work which is our fore fathers and mothers trademarks for which we are proud of. Celebration of events like these helps to open up avenues for dialogue which further promotes exchange of ideas which we strongly need. So lets make this hashtag a global movement, be an ambassador of what we hope to achieve from peace, growth with development for black is powerful.

Black and powerful I am,
black nation became not of human imagination nor forced migration,
black! It is the act of gods to whom I pay homage
homage for our fathers who laid that foundation.
it remained the strenght to our being,
hard work are sources and greatness thou export,
for from our fathers and mothers far and yonder,
we have made nations stand in awe.
faced by adversity and it's likes,
far from the Americas to the rich world of the west,
we stood yet with all its fantacies,
for proud we are of our own and strides.
Alala! To our mamas and papas of old and now,
we are of yours and still in progress,
even though hard, far and dark
thy sun shall light the part we walk,
Africa! black jewel and still powerful

lets make this trend #blacknpowerful

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Remembering today- The Humanitarian Day.

 One Humanity United for Peace

The world is too much for us
why do we fight it?
if greed is not the answer
-yet hungry they go sleeping without,
hoping someone will be considerate
for on this empty belly, what good can they offer.

This world is so large and great
enough to please you and I.
yet we chose to see what divides us
one the owner and controller
the other...
only few has all while many suffers.
there is much we can achieve together
even though blinded by saturated color,
darkness of our own eyes, more of me,
me myself alone.

It is true 'I am because you are'
yet just few preach this gospel of us,
pushing humanity to the brink
with only death and despair
causes to many migrant risk which displace.
what can make us think if only 'I' rules.

think! color or not,
we live and breath just the same air
humanity unite to salvage what is left
for the love of one is peace to all.

(Dedicated to one humanity-Spare a minute for the victims of war/displaced and refugees around the globe).